Check out the VL code intersectwith more advanced than lisp Inters you can do stuff like do they touch or extend till they touch. Example (setq pickobj (entsel ' nPick arc:')) (setq obj1 (vlax-ename-vla-object (car pickobj))) (setq pt1 (cadr pickobj)) (setvar 'clayer' (cdr (assoc 8 (entget (car pickobj))))) (setq pickobj1 (entsel ' nPick 1st line:')) (setq obj2 (vlax-ename-vla-object (car pickobj1))) (setq intpt1 (vlax-invoke obj2 'intersectWith obj1 acExtendThisEntity)); acExtendThisEntity this can be changed for different test.
CAD tip # 4201: Question CAD% platform category You can use and the AutoCAD Geometric calculator for this - with its function ILP. The command: 'CAL ILP(end,end,end,end,end) and pick first the two endpoints of the line (ray) and then three distinct points defining the 3D face. Another way ( thanks Nuno) is to use the command - the 3D face will be the mirror plane, and the intersection of the line and its mirror image will be the desired point. solid volume surface point intersecting xray ACAD ADT Map.
CAD 17.1.2005 24806×.