When i start PCSX2 0.9.4 Watermoose VM Version it starts ok. Im gonna put over an saved file to my memory stick (in computer). I use LinuzApps ISO and i start it with that.
I have put in the ISO of save file. But when i open elf.boot it says 'Unable to open.iso' or 'vmhack' or 'wrong graphic plugin' or something with plugins. And its very annoying. I got an: HP Compaq Black Intel Celeron inside XP (before vista) 1.56ghZ 50 gb on one harddrive 20 gb on one other 232 gb on the last one Im using these plugins: Graphic: (TESTING ALL I HAVE DOWNLOADED) GSdx (MSVC 15.00, SSE2) 0.1.0 Sound: P.E.Op.S. SPU2 1.9.0 First controller: (im using an converter from ps2 controller to pc) SSSPSX PAD Plugin Pressure Mod 1.6.0 2nd Controller: ZeroPAD 0.1.0 (not using) Cdvdrom. Linuzappz Iso CDVD Driver 0.5.0 Dev9: DEV9null Driver 0.3.0 USB: USBnull Driver 0.5.0 FireWire: FWnull Driver 0.4.0 Bios: Europe v02.00 Console Pretty much eh? Here comes all plugins i gotten.
Graphic: GSDX 846 0.1.9 GSDX 0.1.0 GSdx9 0.10.0 ZeroGS KOSMOS 0.97.0 ZeroGS KOSMOS 0.97.1 ZeroGS KOSMOS 0.97.0 (AGAIN) ZeroGS KOSMOS OpenGL 0.96.7 (makes me lagg) Sound: GiGaHeRz SPU2 Driver 0.13.0 SPU2null 0.7.1 P.E.Op.S. SPU2 1.9.0 ZeroSPU2 0.4.4 First Controller: You dont need to know, it already works. Second Controller: You dont need to know, it already works. CD/DVD Rom: Linuzappz Iso CDVD Driver 0.5.0 CDVDnull Driver 0.6.0 P.E.Op.S.
CDVD 1.3.0 Dev9: DEV9null Driver 0.3.0 GiGaHeRz's DEV9 Driver 0.3.0 USB: USBnull driver 0.5.0 Qemu USB Driver by Gigaherz 0.1.0 FireWire: FWnull Driver 0.4.0 BioS: Europe v02.00 Console Europe v01.60 Console Japan v01.00 Console USA v01.60 Console I am an European living in sweden. Can anyone answer? Thanks if you readed all this.