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The entire Office drawing tool component was replaced between 2003 and 2011 (this was done in 2007 for Windows and 2008 for Mac). Lines and shapes are generated differently. Also new along the way is the concept of Themes.
There is a new default font (Calibri), too. It sounds to me like you're opening presentations made in old PowerPoint and you're editing them in 2011. I'll try to point out some things that might help you at least understand what is happening and why some of the things you're used to doing are working differently or not at all now. So let's touch on the points you made: It IS possible to go through and change the color of the line AFTER it's drawn, but this makes actually drawing the line very time consuming. Once you set the attributes of a line or shape, right-click on the line or shape and from the pop-up menu and choose Set As Default Line (or Shape). Most (but not all) attributes are supposed to be used for any new line or shape within the presentation. To copy the formatting of a line or shape select it, then click the format painter button (the paint brush) on the standard toolbar then click on a target to apply the formatting.
If you double-click the paint brush you can apply the same formatting to multiple objects.some, but not all, text is converted to the 'Calibri' font. Sounds like there is font substitution going on. This will happen if the font that was used originally simply isn't there to be used, so PowerPoint substitutes something close or uses the default (Calibri). The cure would be to install the missing font(s) onto your Mac using the Font Book application that's in your Applications folder.the freeform line tool will only draw lines in a blue color, at weight 2.
I've tried changing the line color to black and to my desired weight and then selecting SET AS DEFAULT SHAPE but the next time I try to draw a line it's blue / weight 2 again. You've got a legitimate beef. Someone at Microsoft screwed up. This is not the correct behavior. Please submit your request to have this bug fixed using this web form. Be sure to mention how many presentations are affected so they know you are not a casual user: In powerpoint2003 you can double click on a line drawing symbol, which will allow you to keep using that line tool after drawing a single line A product manager at Microsoft thinks this is an improvement in Office Core design behavior.
I can't remember if it's due to being trendy by making everything look and act like a web browser (web browsers can't figure out a double-click on a control), or because some people don't pay attention to the difference between single-click and double-click and then can't figure out why the drawing tool keeps going, but this change was made on purpose. I long-ago told the manager I thought the change was a bad idea. The more people who tell the product manager this is a bad idea the more likely we will prevail. Whether this get fixed or not depends on how hard-headed and stubborn the manager is. Use the feedback form link (above).
But remember to make this a separate feedback. Only one feedback topic per submission is an important rule to follow (each topic gets tracked). Is there a way to select a line tool once but keep drawing lines? Not that I know of. I use copy and paste then modify the lines whenever it seems like it will save some time. Now about updating the old presentations.
I would be inclined to take advantage of the new themes and slide design capabilities of PowerPoint 2011. First, set up a template that has design elements you want to use. Then open a blank template based on the themes and layouts you want. Use the Insert menu choosing Slides From Other Presentation. Switch the radio button in the resulting dialog to Select Slides to Insert. In the next dialog you can choose to keep the designs of the original slides or let the slides use the formatting of the presentation you're importing into. Try it both ways.
I think if you set your template up right, you might be able to import those old presentations without the old formatting in a way that updates them nicely. If you get this working well, you could make a macro or Automator action to update all those old files automatically. How to make a Theme ml Themes can be saved as files (.thmx), which include the masters, designs, font family, and color scheme. How to apply a Theme Themes are not backward compatible to 2003 file formats.
You have to be working with a current format file. So now that I answered most of your questions in a single answer, I've broken protocol for MS Answers. Each question should be something that stands on its own so it can be searched for and answered efficiently.
We do want you back, and appreciate your participation. You sound like someone who would be great to have come back and help answer other people's questions, too. I am an unpaid volunteer and do not work for Microsoft. 'Independent Advisors' work for contractors hired by Microsoft. 'Microsoft Agents' work for Microsoft Support. I just wanted to personally thank you for your reply. Although I'm disappointed to find out that Powerpoint is no longer a usable product for my needs it's good to know that a strong community like this one exists for the people who need it.
Unfortunately the changes made to the software would impact the amount of time it takes me to complete a design. As the happiness of my customers is almost solely dependent on the amount of time it takes me to turn their orders around it simply isn't a good solution without the drawing tools present in 2003. I understand that the way I've bent powerpoint to my will for years isn't the way most people use it, and it makes no sense for the software to be further modified for what surely is a very small niche of designers. I've found that Keynote has the drawing tools I require, but lacks the ability to handle the hundreds of layers I throw around.
I'm sure another solution will present itself. In the meantime I've simply dusted off my older, non-Lion iMac will continue to use 2003. Thank you for your time and expertise.