Abap Screen Painter For Mac

01.03.2020by admin

Field Data element Checktable Datatype Length Decimals NAME Name of a Screen Element SCRFNAME CHAR 132 0 DYNNR Screen number SCRFDYNNR CHAR 4 0 LINE Line on the screen where element appears SCRFLINE DEC 3 0 COLN Column where element appears on screen SCRFCOLN DEC 3 0 LENG Defined length of screen field SCRFLENG DEC 3 0 VLENG Visible (visualized) length of field in screen SCRFVLENG DEC 3 0 HIGH Height of element in screen SCRFHIGH DEC 3 0 TYPE Field format (ABAP Dictionary data type) SCRFTYPE CHAR 4 0. ACCP Posting period YYYYMM CHAR Character strings, fixed length CUKY Currency key, referenced by CURR fields CURR Currency field, stored as DEC DATS Date field YYYYMMDD, stored as CHAR(8) DEC Calculation and amount field with comma and sign INT1 1-byte integer, decimal number. 1 Text: Short 2 Text: Medium 3 Text: Long 4 Text: Header V Text: Variable text transfer from Dictionary F Text: Fixed, modified text; no text transfer X Input/output template: fixed, modified compared with Dict. NULL Input/output template: Original from Dictionary GRP1 Modification group 1 SCRFGRP1 CHAR 3 0 GRP2 Modification group 2 SCRFGRP2 CHAR 3 0 GRP3 Modification group 3 SCRFGRP3 CHAR 3 0 GRP4 Modification group 4 SCRFGRP4 CHAR 3 0 LOOP Loop count SCRFLOOP DEC 3 0 FOBL Entries in the Field SCRFFOBL CHAR 1 0. E Exit Command (MODULE xxx AT EXIT-COMMAND) S System Function T Call a Transaction NULL Normal Application Function P Local GUI Functions H Internal Use CTMENUPROG Context menu: Program name SCRPMENPR CHAR 40 0 CTMENUSTAT Context menu: Status/menu name SCRPMENSTA CHAR 20 0 CTMENUONCT Context menu: Dynamic callback ONCTMENU. NULL No drop down box L List box K List Box with Key FETCHFLD Get table field or program field (generic) SCRFFFLD CHAR 132 0 RFCDEST Reference System (RFC Destination) SCRRFCDEST CHAR 32 0 SCHAB Preselect I/O field of Dictionary or program field SCRFSCHAB CHAR 1 0 SCHLK Preselect short field label for Dictionary field SCRFSCHLK CHAR 1 0 SCHLM Preselect medium field label for Dictionary field SCRFSCHLM CHAR 1 0 SCHLL Preselect long field label for Dictionary field SCRFSCHLL CHAR 1 0 UEBER Preselect header for Dictionary field SCRFUEBER CHAR 1 0 SCHLNO Preselect Dict. 00 Normal 01 Sign right 02 Scale-preserving 03 Scientific 04 Scientific with leading zero 05 Scale-preserving scientific 06 Engineering SIGN With +/- Sign SRCPSIGN CHAR 1 0 NOINPUTHISTORY No GUI Input History SCRPNOINPUTHISTORY CHAR 1 0 AMPMENABLED AM/PM-Enabled Time Format SCRPAMPMENABLED CHAR 1 0 EXTEND Modification status of a screen object SCRFEXTD CHAR 1 0 HIERARCHY Hierarchical relationship between screen fields SCRFHIERAR CHAR 2 0 ICON Icon ID (incl.

Screen Painter is known as an ABAP editor tool that can be used to create a screen. Screen Painter is used to create and manage all the elements in a screen.

Abap Screen Active

Transaction Code SE51 There are various ways you can insert a Radio button to ABAP Screen Painter. First is by clicking on the radio button symbol on the left, then click on the canvas on the right to insert a radio button.

You can repeat this for each button. Another option is that you open the dictionary window (blue rectangle with a smaller red rectangle inside). Type the variable name you used in your program (you may also type a structure name for all fields in that structure).Click on get from Program. Next is to select the line you wish.Mark radio button at the right end of that line and click on the OK button. Click into the canvas where you want to insert Radio button.

Sap Abap Screen


Making a Radio button group: You can make radio button work as a group. Select any of radio button with the mouse and draw a rectangle around all the radio buttons as shown below: Next is to Right Click - radio button group - define If you are not able to use Rectangle option, you can also use CTRL key. Instead of dragging a rectangle, you can try following steps: Select the first radio button element with the mouse and then hold the CTRL key of the keyboard. When you are holding the CTRL key, you click on each remaining radio button exactly once. When you use CTRL key, it automatically creates a rectangle around all the Radio buttons as shown below: Once all Radio buttons are selected, you can right click - Radio Button Group - Define. You can also use convert option to convert Radio button to Checkbox.